Thursday, April 29, 2010

Be The Star In Your Own Life

Are you the star of your life?

Or do you find yourself doing, giving, caring to other people first and neglecting your own needs?

As adults we often feel bad for behavior we term "selfish" and while this may have been true when we were children, I don't know many people with adult responsibilities (children, bills, work and family commitments) who really are selfish with their time & energy.

I do know a lot of adults who feel bad, guilty, anxious, ashamed to take any time just purely for themselves, and are constantly busy "taking care of" other people, things and chores, as though if they stop for a moment, their whole world will collapse.

This is clearly not true.

Putting yourself first does not mean ignoring your responsibilities, nor neglecting the needs of people in your life; it does mean making sure you are operating at your best to take on all that life brings.

Think of the instructions you are given by air hostesses when you fly: fit your own oxygen mask before assisting children or others. If you pass out from lack of oxygen, who will be able to help the others?

Your health is the same, if you don't eat fresh food that nourishes you, don't get enough sleep, neglect your physical body, and experience the poor health results that follow, who will be around to care for the people you love?

Living well isn't a chore a burden or a luxury, it is a gift you can give yourself every single day.

You DO deserve it!

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