Friday, May 28, 2010

Stories To Inspire You

Keep up your amazing work, live your life well & love what you do!

Dr Oz
has some tips for maintaining weight loss

Read about this woman's road to health & fitness

This mum educated herself about nutrition and reaped the benefits

You CAN reach your goals!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Training - Your Low-Cost Health Care Solution

There are a lot of viruses getting around right now and your best defence against a lengthy illness is to keep doing what you need to do to stay fit & healthy - eat real food, get enough sleep & train your body to be strong.

This article from Terri Walsh, owner of TW Training NYC and 25 year veteran of the fitness industry, talks about how much we can do to keep ourselves healthy.


Yes, look at it in big bold letters. Everyone is the USA is focused on health care. On how expensive it is. Here’s the thing that drives me NUTS. It’s much cheaper over the long run, to exercise, and reduce your RISKS! I HATE how much I pay for my insurance, and I’m a freelance person, so it’s even harder….but staying healthy has reduced my overall costs over the cost of my lifetime up to this point.

Of course you can’t control everything, and sometimes you can still get sick. BUT you CAN control your activity level, the food you eat, and the quality of those things. And you can also do them reasonably on ANY budget. Tough times, need tough people. Exercising regularly keeps you ready to handle life's ups and downs. This goes way beyond how we look. It’s about who we ARE.

Please do not let rough times wear down your health!"

Stay Strong & Get It Done!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Health Checks

If you would like any of the following information about your general health, please ask at your next training session.

Blood pressure: a blood pressure monitor gives you an accurate reading, as well as your resting heart rate, both of which give you useful information about your cardiovascular health.

Blood Glucose Levels: best done before the first meal of the day to test 'fasting' sugar levels. Higher than usual blood glucose levels may indicate a pre-diabetic condition, which when managed with adjustments to diet & exercise, reduces your chances of diabetes by up to 70%.

If any of your readings are outside the 'normal' range, I urge you to make an appointment with your GP.

Having a general health check once a year, especially if you're over 40, helps you stay healthy and allows early intervention if there are any issues.

Finally, look at these disturbing graphs from the Centres for Disease Control in the United States, showing the increase in obesity over time.
(use the 'previous' button to go back to 1994, when data was collected for all states.)

Given Australia's propensity for following US trends, this should concern us all.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Alternative Medicine

The cold season is in full swing and it's not even Winter yet!

Our family was laid low back in March and took the entire month to recover, what with runny nose, coughing, stuffed head and aches & pains, and as it was viral, no effective medicines were available from the doctors.

I know anything that doesn't require a prescription is viewed sceptically by some as "alternative medicine", and less effective than a pill, but since when did good food, adequate sleep & restorative exercise become "alternative"?

If you're currently down with a cold or flu, do pay special attention to your health and general well-being.

Eat plenty of fresh foods, especially leafy greens and try a couple of whole oranges each day (no, the juice is not enough, you're just drinking sugar).

Get enough rest & sleep; don't just try to push through if you're really sick, no one at your workplace wants the germs and you're way less productive trying to think and work through a head-cold fog.

Unless you're achy throughout your body, try to maintain a reduced exercise program; even walking every other day will maintain the fitness gains you've made this year.

There is a time for everything and when you're sick, it's taking care of Self time.
This too shall pass and you'll be right back into loving the busy-ness of your life, with a greater appreciation of how truly important good health is.

You have made an amazing difference in this past year, for your health and the rest of your life.

You have made a commitment to your Self that is bringing benefits you may never have imagined, as well as the one's you notice every day.

You are stronger, fitter, healthier, better than you were a year ago.

YOU are the person in charge of making this happen!

Keep Getting It Done!!

As Simple As ABC...

The ABC website has a great Health & Wellbeing page packed with interesting information and tips on a range of health issues.

There's always an interesting Quiz plus information on a wide variety of health and fitness topics.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Keep Yourself On Track

If you're keeping a Food Diary you'll already know how useful this process is for keeping you on track with your goals.

Like any project, Project YOU needs to be documented so you know where you're at; there's no judgment, blame, or praise involved, just information that you can use to get yourself closer to where you want to be.

For example, you may not realise how little water you drink throughout the day or that you go far too long without food during your busy day, only to come home ravenous and (surprise, surprise!) make poor food choices because of the urgency to eat RIGHT NOW!!!

A Food Diary allows you to look at your habits and choices in a more considered way and to plan strategies for changing what needs to be changed.


- make sure you're having some protein in every meal

- keep a bottle of water with you and refill it at least once a day

- include a variety of vegetables each day & in each meal

- keep track of how much sleep you get; note down bed-time & waking times and notice how this may be affecting your food choices

Keep going!

You're a smart cookie, and once you know where there's room for improvement, think about what YOU can do to change.

You are Getting It Done!!