Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Staying On Track - What's Been Stopping Me?

This post is more of a confessional.

I have been eating more rubbish this past month than usual and my energy levels & waistline are proof.

Sure, I can put it down to the 'special occasions' in life where we celebrate with family & friends and (usually) food, but with such busy lives, this month has been far more than "occasionally".

Part of the problem has also been that I haven't been shopping as well as I usually do; having healthy food in the cupboard is vital to eating well.

I'm only human and despite being a trainer with a conscious desire to eat healthy, I have taken a long hard look at my own habits over the past month.

Since the start of September I've been to:
  • 4 Kinder/kid-related events (not renowned for healthy fare)

  • 1 wedding, (delicious & fair enough too)

  • 9 nights out to dinner/takeaway (don't get me started on the added sugar, salt & fat that you wouldn't add at home, but hey, restaurants need their food to taste amazing, and that's how)

  • 2 weeks of school holidays (and the subsequent "treats" that have been in the house, damn you multi-packs of potato crisps!!!)

  • 1 Royal Melbourne Show (and the crap I eat there once a year, never again!)
All of this has resulted in my favourite jeans feeling tight in places they shouldn't, excessive 'muffin top' and a general feeling of not enough energy, which in turn has led me to more poor food choices.

Workouts help, but as I say to my clients, you can't out-train a poor diet.

So, rather than ignore the reality of my situation, or continue along the same path with a sense of resignation & unhappiness, I'm sharing this with you in the hope it helps.

I'm also getting back on track with good healthy eating, making a meal plan for each week, shopping accordingly and really thinking about what I'm doing and what my options are.

If I'm starving, I'm far more likely to make a cheese toasty (or four!) than a salmon salad with 5 different veggies & healthy protein.

Like you, I am a splendidly imperfect human being who doesn't always do what I know I should.
Thinking about what I know and why I don't make better choices give me space to be deliberate, to choose what nourishes me and to feel good every day.

If it's to be, it's up to me.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Good News

There are all kinds of products, fads & gimmicks that will try to convince you that by purchasing them, you will automatically have the body, waistline, or life you've always dreamed of.

If you've ever been seduced by the late-night infomercials into believing the "Ab-Master-Pro-6000" will make you look like the person on the commercial "with only 3 minutes a day!", this article may not be such good news.

You may believe that eating, or not eating certain foods, at certain times is the magic solution you've been looking for.

You may believe you have a "slow metabolism" and that losing weight is harder for you than for other people.

The truth is, YOU are responsible for what you do with your health, and this IS good news, because you are also the only person able to make the changes you've been wanting to make, but are maybe waiting around to "feel like it" or for them to "happen to you".

First of all, stop all the self-criticism & negative self-talk that you tell yourself; with that kind of thinking is it any wonder you don't take better care of yourself?

Why would you feel you deserve better food, better energy levels, better relationships, if you're always down on yourself for all of the reasons you come up with?

Now, imagine someone was talking about your best friend, or your partner, the way you think about yourself when you're being negative; you wouldn't tolerate it, you'd argue back, stand up for your loved one and point out all of their great qualities.

Do this for yourself, as the saying goes, "be your own best friend".

There is no magical solution to your weight-loss goal, you do not have a "slow metabolism"* you CAN achieve your goals, but YOU need to be actively working towards it.

I didn't expect to have gained 40kgs during pregnancy, (although with all the crap I ate, it should not have been a surprise to me), nor did I realise the amount of thought, planning, consistency & effort involved in losing that weight over the next 2 - 3 years.

I know it's not easy, but it is simple; if you are consistent in making nutritious food choices & find at least 30 minutes a day to move at a pace that puffs you out, over time you will see the results that YOU are responsible for achieving.

You CAN do it and I'm here to help.

* if you are seriously concerned about this, see your GP and possibly get a referral to an endocrinologist