Tuesday, November 24, 2015

It was one of those weekends, you know the kind, where you have a whole lot of cool stuff planned with the kids and friends and it all just lines up beautifully.
Except it didn’t turn out that way.

Small Darling had a sore foot, so we missed my gorgeous artist friend’s stall at a night market. Instead we had our traditional Friday Dinner & Movie Night that we’d missed for a few weeks.

Lovely Partner planned on playing cards with friends on Saturday night and that fell through so we all headed into town to see the Infinity Swing and Noodle Night Markets at Fed Square. Also a lot of fun but I could tell LP was upset that his original plans didn’t work out.

There was some grumpy energy in the mix as people came to terms with not getting what they wanted and frustrations were close to the surface. 10 year old boys also seem to have little concept of people around them or consequences and I found myself in Grumpy Mummy Mode, saying to SD “That’s it, no dessert for you. You know better than that! What were you thinking?” (He was tipping water over the edge of a balcony where people could have walked through & been soaked).

Kids can be great at expressing how they feel and don’t always have the ability to regulate their emotions but then again, the same applies to us grown-ups too.

At one point in the evening I caught myself thinking “why did I bother? SD is behaving badly, LP doesn’t really want to be here” and I paused. I took a deep breath and realised I also had some unmet expectations about how this weekend was panning out.

I expected my child to be grateful for the excursion and my partner to be delighted that he got to spend the evening with me. Usually both of these things are true; my son often thanks me for the fun stuff we do together and my partner does enjoy spending time with me.
So none of us got exactly what we wanted or what we had planned for.

What we did get instead was an unexpected adventure together & we each learned more about ourselves & how we react when people or situations are not as we would have them be. That’s a weekend of winning in my book.

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