Monday, October 3, 2011

Spring Fitness - FAST!

It is wonderful to see so many more people out walking, running, riding and playing in the sunshine this week!

A little taste of spring goes a long way towards getting you thinking about getting into shorts & skirts for summer.

If you're uncomfortable at the mere thought, give yourself the gift of 15 minutes every morning before your shower, to do this total body workout.

10 Pushups
20 second Plank
30 Squats
10 Lunges (each leg)
20 Crunches

Start with one round, vary the repetitions as your skill level increases and before you know it you'll be doing 2 - 3 rounds, knowing that you're getting a workout done before you start your day.

As I tell all of my clients, you can't out-train a bad diet so you also need to think about what you're putting into your body and in what quantities.

Fresh food, real food, is the best fuel you can give your body and doesn't have a nutritional panel to decipher.

Eat lots of leafy greens, crunchy colorful veggies and good quality lean protein and enjoy how much more energy you have as you shape up for summer.

If you have questions about any of the exercises listed here or would like some technique tips, find me on Facebook and message me.

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