Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Take The Long View

Most of us don't give much thought to sleeping, eating and exercise each day.
Life is busy and we can easily focus only on what needs to be done, helping other people and meeting deadlines, without a second thought for our own well being.

Our bodies & minds cannot go on indefinitely without care & nourishment, in the form of enough sleep, nutritious food, relaxation and "down time", and if this is lacking for long enough, eventually our system will fail.

If you're going through your days on auto-pilot or only focused on external tasks, schedule some time into your diary each day to take care of YOU!

Not a morning person? - Go to bed an hour earlier

Can't seem to find the time for healthy, nutritious food during the week? - Spend and hour on the weekend making portion controlled meals to freeze for lunch and dinner

Not hungry first thing in the morning and find you skip breakfast? - Get some good quality protein powder for a morning shake to start each day well.

Can't seem to get yourself off the couch to do the exercise you know needs to be done? - Get up and START, tell yourself you can stop after 5 minutes, you'll likely keep going and feel better for it.

Take the long view with your health & fitness, a little each day builds into a week, month, year of new habits that aren't all that new anymore - it's just what you do.

Time passes, we either get healthier & fitter or go backwards, there is no standing still, it's what you do with your time that makes the difference.



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