Thursday, July 16, 2009

Training Results - Part I

If you've been training with me for a little while, you may be starting to get frustrated that you cannot yet see the results of all your hard work.

Rest assured there are changes happening within your body that are important even though they are not yet visually apparent, and they are doing you and your body good!

Remember, most of you were not participating in any form of exercise before, and your heart, lungs, brain, muscles, bones, veins & arteries, are all changing because you are doing what needs to be done for your health.

Your heart is a muscle like any other in your body, and when you work it regularly (yes, that's the 60% of Maximum Heart Rate I get you warming up with on the bike or elliptical ;) it gets stronger; building muscle mass throughout your body helps burn more fat, and also lets your bones know they need to build themselves stronger, to cope with the extra demands on them.

Some of you have reported there is no more 3pm "energy slump" that previously had you reaching for the chocolate pick-me-up, and that you have noticed improvements in your mood and a feeling of general well-being.

I applaud you for this, for giving time to yourself now, working towards future health and for Getting It Done!

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