Thursday, June 29, 2017

Motivation In Two Forms

You've heard me say many times that motivation is a myth, that nobody is motivated all the time and that we just have to make the decision to make the change that makes the difference.

Well, that is true... to an extent.

We've all felt that exhilarating burst of energy that motivates and inspires us into action.

Whether it's making a call we know we need to get over & done with, or the call we've been looking forward to.

We're either scared or excited, and those two feelings share a lot in common, physiologically. Our interpretation is key. 

Sometimes it's just a matter of reframing to use our energy states to achieve the results we want.

Which brings me to how motivation works, in its two forms - Away From and Towards.

We are either motivated to move away from a troubling or painful situation or towards a sought-after or rewarding situation. They both serve a purpose and have their benefits.
Once you get clear on your "why", you can nail your "what".

Weight loss is one I hear a lot from clients; they were significantly overweight and they took steps to lose weight but as they got closer to their goal, they just didn't seem to have the motivation they started with.

Other clients started with a heath & fitness, rather than a weight loss, goal and they seemed to power on through from one goal to the next.

This is how Away From and Towards motivation works: when you're moving AWAY from pain & whatever it is you DON'T want, the further you get from it, the more comfortable you feel.

Almost like you're feet are far enough from the fire that you can relax, you don't have to do the work any more.

Away From motivation is a great way to START whatever changes you're looking to make.

You are really clear about what you don't want, but it's ultimately a negative motivation and lasting change takes more than that.

Towards motivation is the goal you have in your mind, your heart & your soul.

It drives you onwards even when you've made good progress because it's a shining, positive motivator even on days when you don't feel like it.
It literally pulls you towards your goal!

You may start out wanting to change your current health situation but what will keep you going once you've made those changes, is the thought of feeling even better, moving well when you're older & avoiding some of the common pitfalls of aging, like falls & immobility.

The other major benefit of Towards motivation is that it encourages you rather than criticises you, it brings you along rather than punishes you, it helps you rather than hurts you.

It really is the only way to maintain a kind, self-caring & consistent approach to your goals.

Being kind to yourself is about doing the good stuff, even when you don't feel like it.

Because you are so very worth it.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Working it out

Talking with a dear friend the other day, we got on to the topic of work & how she's unhappy in her current role. She's not sure what else she would want to do and we explored some possibilities.

It got me thinking about the fairly modern expectation that we should all be excited, inspired & fulfilled to go to work each day and if that's not the case, maybe there's a problem.

Some people's work involves doing things they are very good at and get paid well for.
By viewing this situation as a chance to use & develop skills and to allow them to have the means to enjoy the other aspects of their lives (holidays, dinners out, Nice Things), they don't 'suffer through' each day.

I'm very fortunate to do a job I love and be able to live a good life doing it. I get to help people live healthier, more energetic lives and can pay my rent & bills doing so.

But there's also the back end of work - the paperwork, marketing, shameless self promotion (even when I'm not feeling it) and other admin that is not fun but is so very necessary.

Work is called work for a reason. It takes effort.
Even when we don't 'feel like it'.

Motivation is a myth. Nobody is motivated all the time but we do what is necessary to create the conditions we would like in our lives.

I bet you're not motivated to brush your teeth each morning but (I hope) you do it, because you want to avoid the consequences of failing to do it.

Workouts are the same, they never get easier, you just get stronger.
And then I take you to the next level (you're welcome) or I'm not doing my job.

Growth doesn't come from the shiny, happy, easy stuff.
Growth comes from pain & discomfort.

Sometimes it's necessary to get a little uncomfortable to make changes that are beneficial and necessary.

You don't have to spend a lot of time taking care of your health, you just have to do the little things that make a big difference over time.

And I'm here to help.